Have you ever seen anyone praying his or her own portrait? You may think it's preposterous, but what about those few who do not believe in God and instead consider the physical self as the Supreme Reality? Here's a peek into the wild world of Tantrism.

Satifying the Self

There are some ancient Hindu texts, which emphasize the exaltation of the physical self, more than anything else. The concept that arises out of this kind of devotion to self, forms the basis of what is known as tantra, and the followers of this 'crude side' of Hinduism are called tantrics.
These people not only glorify the physical body but also go to any extent to satisfy the self to attain occult powers. Tantrism entails the anti-nomianistic or immoral way of gaining uncanny powers. According to Tantrism, it is through bhoga or satisfying desires that man can gain salvation, and he must do anything that he wishes to do, particularly those that are regarded sinful.

Origin of Tantrism

There are many disputes about its origins as it has been practiced since thousands of years.

Life of a Tantric Sadhaka
 The reason for establishment of tantra was to help humans quickly resolve their problems. Even today, some tantrics use it for the same purpose. However, it has been misused by some for various other purposes and gaining mystical powers.
Whatever its remote origins, historically it can be dated about the time of the rise of Buddhism. Later on, Buddhists adopted some of the Tantric symbols and Tantric Buddhism grown as a sect. Today, tantra is not practised widely in India, and survives mostly in the far northeast, amid the jungles and foothills of the Himalayas.
sadhaka, or person performing tantric acts, lives a simple life, practices yoga and meditates in the quiet of the countryside, far away from the madding crowd.
He is distinguished by his saffron robe and begging bowl, or in some cases he might go stark naked! He sells charms, amulets, 'magical' medicines and herbs. He sometimes gathers together with other sadhus or ascetics to form vast processions during religious festivals. So much for the brighter side of a tantric.
The darker half involves taking drugs, inflicting austerities upon himself, or doing certain things that outrage morality.

Tantra Teachings

Tantras, like the Vedas, are collections of verses suggesting elaborate directions for the right way to worship. They are generally esoteric, mystical teachings addressed to the sadhakas. Sex and the various postures of love-making associated with tantra may be a tenet of one of the branch or sub-branch of tantrism. However, this is a recent phenomenon and is debatable if it is actually a part of Tantra. Most branches of tantra were originally formed to help humans solve their problems quick and fast. Some branches of tantra are meant to gain mystical powers. This is what most of the Tantric sadhakas aim for today.

Kundalini: Serpent Power

Another way to acquire siddhi or occult powers, is by practising Kundalini or 'serpent power'. According to the tantric texts, a serpent lies in our crotch, extending to the rectum. To awaken it, one must perform certain yoga, which will gradually arouse it. Practising Kundalini uncoils the serpent and releases vast energy, which proceeds up our spine like hot liquid. The skin burns, we sweat and experience a stinging sensation. The siddhi attained through this method can be so powerful that it may destroy the person if not controlled. Kundalini rises and when it reaches its limit, there is complete bliss. And once the sadhaka reaches this goal he becomes a sadhu or sage.
Some Tantrics of recent times are wild people with ingenuous tastes, possessing an intense love of freedom of the will. They can be hailed as the predecessors of the hippie movement in America in the sixties, for they have much in common. It is particularly interesting to note that, in the 17th century British-India, when tantrism was extant, the English were horrified to discover such a barbaric practice and tabooed it as a kind of obscene voodoo.

Sex for Nirvana

Some sects of Tantism uphold the view that the best way of being God-like is to have intense sex with a woman. Having sex to the point of utter exhaustion can attain nirvana. However, realsadhakas and yogis do not believe that nirvana or moksha can be attained this way unlike some people who may be using Tantraism for their own benefits.

The Real Meaning of Ardha Nareeshwara Swarup

A representation of Lord Shiva, at the Elephanta Caves, show the right side of the deity as masculine and the left as feminine. Known as ‘Ardha Nareeshwara Swarup,’ this depicts the belief that the Goddess Shakti is one with Lord Shiva and no different. Shiva and Shakti are one and the same supreme power. The formless god is called Para Shiva. The god creates the world and act for the benefits of pashus (souls), who are attached by pasha (bondage). The power of creation comes from Shiva and Shakti or Parvati. It depicts Shakti or power cannot be separated from Shiva. Ardha Nareeshwara is the form of their togetherness.

Keeping the Trantric Legacy Alive…

The orthodox Hindus shun and fear a tantric. He is detested and persecuted by the police, who considered him a charlatan, and an antisocial. Large tantric gatherings are banned. So, very little of it is left in actual practice. Nevertheless, its legacy cannot be ignored. Still today, some tantrics dedicate their devotion or sadhna in remote jungles and cremation grounds. Their goal is to gain mystical powers and it has its own dangers associated with it. So, finding a proper tantric guru in this time and age is a difficult but absolutely essential imperative. Such people have kept the dying art of tantrism alive and many of them today use their ‘supernatural’ powers for human welfare.

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